Foot Injuries Every Athlete Should Know

Foot Troubles Every Athlete Should Know

It's no secret that foot pain is a common complaint among fitness enthusiasts and athletes. Why? Because the feet are the foundation of the body's locomotion, with each step or stride exerting significant force. The repetitive nature of sports movements can exacerbate any weaknesses, leading to a range of common foot ailments, such as:

  • Plantar Fasciitis: A condition characterized by a stabbing pain at or near the heel, often worse in the morning or after periods of rest. Usually it is preceded by pain in the middle of the foot and aggravated by increased loads of the foot.
  • Achilles Tendinitis: Pain at the back of the ankle that can be acute or  chronic and potentially lead to tears if not managed. Typically this injury progressively worsens, so it is very important to see a sports podiatrist early on in order to be treated properly.
  • Metatarsalgia: Pain and inflammation in the ball of the foot that can be aggravated by running, long-term standing or high weight-bearing loads. It's common to feel this ball-of-the-foot pain toward the end of the day. 
  • Bunions: A bony bump that forms on the joint at the base of the big toe, which can alter foot alignment and cause discomfort. It may make shoes difficult to wear and can contribute to arthritis at the great toe joint.
  • Shin Splints: Pain along the front or inner aspect of the lower leg usually caused by a rapid increase in training. It usually is felt as dull, achy pain along the shin bone--tibialis anterior. Not to be misdiagnosed as a stress fracture, shin splints usually progress over time and with continued stress. Many athletes have been known to push through shin splints in order to finish their season. It is important to determine the cause of shin splints so that an accurate treatment plan can be made. 
  • Overpronation/Underpronation: Excessive rolling in or out of the foot, leading to strain on the associated muscles ligaments and tendons. This 

Understanding the nuances of these conditions can better prepare athletes to address their foot health proactively. 

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